1.oplag, 1.udgave 2019
ISSN: 2445-9879
A theoretical work on the political poetics of Mycelium. A translation, elaboration and development of Mycelium #2. Mycelium evolves and therefore it would be very un-mycelic simply to translate a mycelic work without reworking it and develop its ideas. This translation and elaboration has nearly doubled in size!
“New strategies might also be adopted. For instance, the strategy of the Cordyceps; an interesting breed of fungi that specializes in specific insects. One certain spore seeks out an ant, taking root in its body and eventually its brain. Here it takes control of the insect. The mycelium invades the host’s tissue and eventually replaces it. Infected and manipulated, the ant starts to behave strangely (perhaps not unlike the dancing plague described in Mycelium #5). In a violent frenzy, a rapture, an inner urge drives it towards the sun. The ant is reduced to a vehicle seeking out the sun. Such infected insects are often referred to as zombies. As the zombie is touched by beams of sunlight the fungi burst through the body and the skull of its host. From here it will burst forth in exchaulted joy, casting out its spores in the sunlight.
In capitalist society a mycelic parasitic approach to political action is a possible and much needed disturbance. Indeed, as noted: “parasites, in a phrase, are predators that eat prey in units less than one”. A parasitic approach would seek to zombify parts the capitalist machinery, lead it towards the sun and there penetrate its skull in a frivolous burst of creative and fertile frenzy. Drawing on the lessons of the cordyceps, we build exoskeletons to direct the movement of the machine, we replace its tissue and infect its mind. This may be done in a number of ways. The cordyceps could infect the structure of an institution, its values or its language – units less than one – thereby redirecting it away from the presumed utility of the institution (it could, for instance, write a chapter in an academic book). We write presumed utility because it is quite unclear to what end capitalism actually is useful beyond maintaining itself, repeating and reconstructing its own logic. This might seem useful to those who benefit from the existing power structures, but it hardly lives up to the ideas of redistribution and communication promoted by Mycelium. The parasite is therefore undermining and redirecting existing structures. Working within them. That is why we do not live in forests alone. We reside in buildings, condos, bungalows, houses, cars, sewers, sidewalks, power lines, buslines, kindergartens, schools, universities, clubs, bars, prisons, convenience stores, other stores, stairs, stars, cats, the internet, pop songs, chansons, noise, white, pink, black, noise, homecooking, streets, cables, drum-machines, trains, planes, lines, dots, spots, spit, kisses and satellites, satellites orbiting other satellites orbiting other satellites orbiting other satellites…”
MYCELIUM #6 – We are Cannibals
1.oplag, 1.udgave 2018
ISSN: 2445-9879
In 2017 Ark Review of Ark Books in Copenhagen sat down with Mycelium. The interview took place ahead of their public performance, ‘Witches Circle’, which happened in connection to solstice. The purpose of the interview was finding out how this fungus can move us to organize in radically different ways, beyond individualism and the ego.
“What is the relationship between perversion and evil?
Historically speaking the pervert is evil. Lacking truth. Lacking being. Lacking god. Evil is a metaphysical concept unlike bad or unhealthy. Horrendous deeds often seem to seek legitimization in notions of justice, the good or necessity. As Hannah Arendt noticed, there is a certain kind of banality of evil. We do dreadful things when we think we are in the right. It was both necessary and good to burn witches, since they were evil. So it seems that often evil is a judgement made from the perspective of self-righteousness, of good. Most horrendous deeds are indeed justified from perspectives of utility and purpose. The black witch at our door right now, gives us purpose, (national) identity and moral highground. So viewed from the outside the coven must be considered evil, however, within the dance, the joyous violent frenzy of the Sabbath, we are beyond good and evil.
Morality must draw its power and appeal from the sovereign aspects of life, the value of life beyond utility, therefore it must be determined by a lack of the selfsame sovereignty. Sovereignty emanates and morality feeds off this source. Sovereignty, however, transgresses judgement and is beyond good and evil. It shows no concern for anything else but the rapture or sometimes the tranquillity of being, where all is given in the instant, the trembling of being, the hesitation to disappear, sunlight upon the forest’s edge. Intense communication implies a complicity in evil. From a moral point of view, which gazes towards the future, judgement and action, sovereignty is at least complicit in evil, negating and embarrassing the call for purpose and project, while also, almost as an act of defiance and joyous taunt, making it apparent that morality must draw its power from the luminous emanating sovereign source of love.
What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil – Nietzsche”
MYCELIUM #5 – Befrielsen af Elleore
1.oplag, 1.udgave 2018
ISSN: 2445-9879
Materialet er et dokument, der er tilsendt myceliet, som har fornøjet sig over dets ide og opfindsomhed. Politisk poetik i højeste potens. Udgivelsen er et resultat af Elleoregruppens og myceliets samklingende overensstemmelse. Materialet er helt og holdent Elleoregruppens.
“Ud fra den opfattelse, at politik er til for alle, og at politik skal forsøge at inkludere frem for at ekskludere, har Elleoregruppen sat sig for at befri Elleores befolkning fra deres selvpålagte trældom. ”I er fri, glem det ikke!” lyder budskabet til det glade folk, og gruppen forsøger dertil at understøtte den nye politiske orden med en banebrydende forfatningstraktat, hvor forældede politiske begreber såsom ’lighed’, ’frihed’ og ’rettigheder’ er udeladt til fordel for tre simple idealer, der skal tjene til at oprette og understøtte det harmoniske politiske liv i republikken: deltagelse, gensidighed og integritet.
Slip løverne fri! Længe leve Elleore!”
1.oplag, 1.udgave 2017
ISSN: 2445-9879
Indhold: Mycelisk sol / Kapitalisme og hekseforfølgelse / Den sorte heks / Abjekt, kvindekrop / udfald / Dansepesten
“Et centralt element i kapitalismens opblomstring blev altså en ny form for ”biomagt”: kvinderne skulle fratages retten til kontrol over deres egen krop; reproduktive rettigheder blev inddraget.
Blandt den højere klasse opstod en frygt for den proletariserede klasse. Specielt for de dårligst betalte kvindelige arbejdere: Tjenere, tiggere og vise kvinder, som ofte kom i nærkontakt med deres arbejdsgivere og dermed havde mulighed for at skade dem. På dette tidspunkt blev der indført hidtil uset strenge straffe for reproduktiv kriminalitet.
Intensiveringen af hekseforfølgelsen over hele Europa kan spores her.
Bliver pladsen for trang må det skyde
Myceliets svampelegemer danner kreds over jorden
Som gudløse spontane katedraler
I sabbattens fodspor
Aftryk af udkastede besværgelser
Magiske sammenslutninger
Sakrale alliancer
1.oplag, 1.udgave 2016
ISSN: 2445-9879
Udgivet i samarbejde med Limbo Library
“Opgave til den danske litteraturscene: Afstå fra at bruge begrebet “jeg”. Skriv din næste tekst uden ordet jeg. Ja ja, gud gemmer sig i grammatikken lader Nietzsche os vide, men hav dog modet til at være gudemorder.
Myceliet står i flammer, og formår som sådan ikke andet end at brænde igennem ved at brænde sig selv ned som en serie af selvantændte huse. Det er, kunne man sige, auto-pyromanisk. Myceliet ynder at skjule sig, det slører sig ved fødslen og fødslen er selv et slør. Det slør vi dækker de døde med. Det bringer egoet til alter og fortærer sig selv. Så fremfor at manifestere en skive, former myceliet sig som en cirkel og danner en kannibalistisk kreds uden midte.
Myceliets kreds vil, når omstændighederne er gunstige, skyde op over jorden og således give sig til kende. Grundet sin cirkulære form under jorden vil myceliets manifestation over jorden også danne en kreds. Disse formationer er hekseringe. […]”
MYCELIUM #1 – Endnu en anstrengelse, afvigere, hvis I vil være frie.
1.oplag, 1.udgave 2016
ISSN: 2445-9879
Udgivet i samarbejde med Limbo Library
Limbo Library præsenterer et nyt tidsskrift fra den kollektive og ukendte afsender MYCELIUM, der arbejder med begreberne stipulativ sandhed og politisk poetik.
Første nummer indeholder teksten ”Endnu en anstrengelse, afvigere, hvis I vil være frie”, der omhandler perversionens patologi og revolutionære potentiale, røvhullets ontologi med mere:
”Det perverse potentiale består med andre ord i at modsige den herskende orden, nedbryde den, og skabe sig selv på ny ud af dette kaos. At støde universet ud af sin anus, i gevaldige eksplosioner, Big Bang, gigantiske prolapsende stjerner, der vender vrangen ud på tilværelsen og sender deres interstellare gasskyer ud i den ganske galakse, så det kan fortætte sig og danne nye solsystemer, galakser og verdener. I enden er ordet. Det betyder ingenting. Og vi må have kaos i os for at kunne føde en dansende stjerne”.
Tidsskriftet kan købes følgende steder:
Møllegades Boghandel
Insula Music
eller direkte via mycelium: